Jeannie & Kuya's
Magic School Buses
Jeannie & Kuya's
Magic School Buses
Jeannie & Kuya's
Magic School Buses
Jeannie & Kuya's
Magic School Buses
Toronto, Canada: where
27.7.2018: when
10 mins: read time
Toronto, Canada: where
27.7.2018: when
10 mins: read time
Toronto, Canada: where
27.7.2018: when
10 mins: read time
Toronto, Canada: where
27.7.2018: when
10 mins: read time
Jeannie & Kuya's
Magic School Buses
Toronto, Canada: where
27.7.2018: when
10 mins: read time
Insahyt Catalog 700-779 v.1-3
Alexis Venerus : curator
Black Cat Showroom : where
06.20-23.2019 : when
IC 700-779: v.1: HAIR: Hair is sentimental, shows growth, shows loss, dyes but never dies.
participating artists:
Marie Allain, Shania Lane & Nicole Elliott, Shannyn Warren, Tessah Noreen,
Iris Deng, Tim Schijns, Bridget Carey, Tristram Pinney, Sienna Sekand,
Veronica Perez, Marie Boal, Alejandro Marcos & Anima May, Kristina Trofimova,
Arshia Salesi, Raana Dehghan, Sharon Norwood, Teresa Audet, Luba Lygarewicz,
Eresto Marenco, Dan Goodbaum, Courtney Lane.
IC 700-779: v.2: TRUTH: A magician moves one hand to distract from the other.
participating artists:
Matthias Osa-Noyoze, Iris Deng, Shannyn Warren, Courtney MacIsaac, Katie Butt,
Raana Dehghan, Jym Davis, Sienna Sekand, Andrew Owen, Madeleine LeBlanc,
Stephanie Venerus, Debi Babiak, Sofia Mesa, Darren Rigo, Floor Wyns, Simone Collins,
Benjamin de Boer, Arshia Salesi, Paul Creus, Em Jiang, Ele Willoughby,
Vuk Dragojevic, Drew Iriah.
IC 700-779: v.3: 500 WORDS: A picture is worth 1000 words, please send in 500 words worth.
participating artists:
Kat Zawadzki, Sarah Wheeler, Marisha Laine, Josiah Osagie, Seldon Yuan,
Benjamin de Boer & Emily Veall, Elizabeth barrette, Jesse Meredith, Sienna Sekand,
Mariah A. Plant, Rena Polley, Rowan McCulloch, Stewart McMillian, Emmie Tsumura,
Jeannie Priscila, Renaissance, Alexander Millington, Kelby Paquette-Anderson,
Natalia Tcherniak.
This exhibit was an opportunity for the artists who participated in Insahyt Catalog 700-779: v.1-3 to share their work in a gallery setting. The catalogs remain the most extensive source of the works gathered in this project. You can purchase them online here: